How to Booking a Counsellor in NCS Portal at

Learn the step-by-step process of booking a counsellor in NCS Portal. Get expert career guidance easily at Start your journey today!

Why Book a Counsellor on the NCS Portal?

If you’re navigating the job market or planning your career, booking a counsellor in the NCS Portal is a great step. The National Career Service (NCS) Portal offers an array of services, including expert guidance from professional counsellors. Whether you’re fresh out of school or looking to change careers, having a counsellor can make the journey smoother. They can help with everything from resume tips to understanding industry trends.

Step 1: Getting Started with the NCS Portal

First things first, you need to get on the NCS Portal. Head over to and log in using your credentials. Don’t have an account yet? No worries, you can create one in a jiffy. Just fill in the basic details like your name, contact information, and education background. Once you’re logged in, you’ll find a world of career opportunities at your fingertips.

Step 2: Navigating to the Booking a Counsellor in NCS Section

Now that you’re logged in, let’s get to the good stuff—booking a counsellor! On the homepage, you’ll see various tabs. Look for the ‘Counsellor’ tab in the menu. It might be tucked under ‘Career Guidance,’ so keep your eyes peeled. Click on it, and you’ll be directed to a page where you can see a list of available counsellors. The list might look overwhelming, but don’t worry, we’ll get through it together.

Step 3: Selecting the Right Counsellor for You

Choosing the right counsellor is like picking a good book—you want one that fits your needs. Each counsellor has a profile that you can view. This includes their areas of expertise, experience, and even reviews from other users. Take your time scrolling through the options. Whether you need help with interview skills or career planning, there’s a counsellor for you. Click on their profile to learn more and decide if they’re the right fit.

Step 4: Booking a Session

Once you’ve found your match, it’s time to book that session. On the counsellor’s profile page, you’ll see an option to ‘Book Appointment.’ Click on it, and a calendar will pop up. Choose a date and time that suits you. Make sure to check your availability too! After selecting the slot, confirm your booking. You’ll get a confirmation message on the portal, and voila—you’ve successfully booked a counsellor!

Step 5: Preparing for Your Counselling Session

Now that your appointment is set, let’s talk about preparation. To make the most of your session, jot down any questions or topics you want to discuss. Are you unsure about which career path to take? Do you need advice on polishing your resume? Whatever it is, make a list. This will help the counsellor provide targeted advice that suits your needs.

Step 6: Attending Your Session

The day of your session has arrived! Log into the NCS Portal a few minutes before your appointment. Your session will take place via video call, so make sure your internet connection is stable. If you’ve never used the platform for video calls before, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the interface. When the time comes, join the session and get ready to receive valuable insights. Don’t forget to take notes during the session!

Step 7: Following Up After the Session

Once your session is over, take some time to reflect on the advice given. Did the counsellor suggest specific actions or next steps? Make sure to follow through on them. You can also book follow-up sessions if you need more guidance. The NCS Portal makes it easy to maintain an ongoing relationship with your counsellor. Just head back to their profile and schedule another appointment.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Counselling Experience

  1. Be Open and Honest: The more you share about your career aspirations and challenges, the better the counsellor can assist you.
  2. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask about anything you’re unsure of. This is your session, make the most of it.
  3. Take Action: Advice is only as good as the actions you take afterward. Follow through on the recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Booking a Counsellor in the NCS Portal

Q1: What is the NCS Portal?

The NCS Portal, short for National Career Service Portal, is an online platform by the Government of India. It offers a variety of career-related services, including job postings, career counselling, and skill development resources. You can visit the portal at

Q2: Why should I book a counsellor on the NCS Portal?
Booking a counsellor can provide personalized guidance on your career path. Whether you need help with resume writing, interview preparation, or career planning, a counsellor can offer expert advice tailored to your specific needs.

Q3: How do I book a counsellor on the NCS Portal?

To book a counsellor, log in to the NCS Portal, navigate to the ‘Counsellor’ tab under ‘Career Guidance,’ and browse through available counsellors. Once you find a suitable counsellor, select a date and time for your appointment.

Q4: Is there a fee for booking a counsellor?
The NCS Portal offers both free and paid counselling services. The fees, if any, will be mentioned in the counsellor’s profile. Make sure to check the details before booking.

Q5: Can I choose the counsellor I want to book?
Yes, you can select a counsellor based on your needs. Each counsellor has a profile with details about their expertise, experience, and user reviews. You can choose the one that best matches your requirements.

Q6: How do I prepare for my counselling session?
It’s a good idea to prepare a list of questions or topics you want to discuss during your session. This will help you get the most out of the counselling experience.

Q7: What happens if I miss my counselling appointment?

If you miss your appointment, you may need to reschedule it through the NCS Portal. It’s always best to log in a few minutes early to ensure you don’t miss your session.

Q8: Can I book follow-up sessions with the same counsellor?
Absolutely! If you feel that you need more guidance, you can book additional sessions with the same counsellor. Simply visit their profile on the NCS Portal and select a new date and time.

Q9: How long is a typical counselling session?
The length of a counselling session can vary depending on the counsellor and the type of session booked. Most sessions range from 30 minutes to an hour. Check the counsellor’s profile for specifics.

Q10: What if I’m not satisfied with my counselling session?
If you’re not satisfied with your session, you can leave feedback through the NCS Portal. This helps improve the services for other users. You can also try booking a session with a different counsellor.

Q11: Can I access counselling services from my mobile device?
Yes, the NCS Portal is mobile-friendly, and you can book and attend counselling sessions directly from your smartphone or tablet.

Q12: What types of counsellors are available on the NCS Portal?

The NCS Portal features counsellors with a range of specializations, including career planning, resume building, interview preparation, and more. You can filter counsellors based on your specific needs.

Q13: How do I cancel or reschedule a counselling appointment?
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, log in to the NCS Portal, go to your bookings, and select the appropriate option. Make sure to do this in advance to avoid any inconvenience.

Q14: Will I receive a reminder for my counselling appointment?
Yes, the NCS Portal usually sends reminders via email or SMS before your scheduled counselling session, so you don’t miss it.

Q15: Can I book counselling for someone else using my account?
The NCS Portal allows users to book sessions for themselves. If you wish to book for someone else, it’s best for them to create their own account and book directly.

Conclusion: Start Your Journey Today

Booking a counsellor in the NCS Portal is a straightforward process that can greatly benefit your career. Whether you’re at the start of your career journey or looking to pivot, expert guidance can make all the difference. So why wait? Log in to today, book your session, and take that first step towards achieving your career goals.

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