Meebhoomi Land Details: Check your Adangal, Village Maps, and ROFR Adangal at

Discover Meebhoomi Land Details! Your guide to Adangal, Village 1-B, LP Maps, and ROFR Adangal. Simplify land records and planning.

Meebhoomi Land Details: Your Guide to Adangal and Village Maps

Welcome to the wonderful world of Meebhoomi! If you’ve ever found yourself tangled in the web of land records, maps, and confusing legal terms, then this post is for you. We’re diving into Meebhoomi Land Details with a light-hearted tone to make this process as easy and enjoyable as possible. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery and demystification together.

What is Meebhoomi?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Adangal, Village 1-B, and LP Maps, let’s understand what Meebhoomi actually is. Meebhoomi is an initiative by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to digitize land records and make them accessible to the public. It’s essentially a treasure trove of information that can save you countless trips to the revenue office.

AP Meebhoomi Land Details

Your Adangal and Village 1-B

Adangal: Your Land Record Friend

First up, let’s talk about Adangal, which is also known as Pahani. Adangal is a crucial land record that holds information about the land you own, like the size, type, and crops grown. Think of it as a comprehensive report card for your land. You can easily access your Adangal online through the Meebhoomi portal.

  • Land Owner Details: Your Adangal will show who the rightful owner of the land is, ensuring clarity in ownership.
  • Land Use Information: This includes details about what the land is used for – whether it’s agricultural, residential, or commercial.
  • Crop Details: If you’re a farmer, your Adangal will list the crops grown on your land, providing a useful record for agricultural planning.
  • Water Source: Details about the source of irrigation for the land are also included, which is vital for efficient water resource management.

Village 1-B: The Village Ledger

Next, we have Village 1-B, also known as Me 1-B or Village 1-B. This document serves as a ledger that includes detailed information about all the land parcels in a village. It’s like a comprehensive directory of land ownership and transactions in your village.

  • Ownership Records: Just like Adangal, Village 1-B lists out the owners of different parcels of land within a village.
  • Transaction History: It also records any transactions that have taken place, providing a transparent history of land sales, purchases, and transfers.
  • Tax Information: Village 1-B includes details about the land revenue paid, making it easier to keep track of your tax obligations.

Your LP Map / FMB / Village Map

LP Map: The Layout Plan

Moving on to maps, the LP (Layout Plan) Map is an essential document if you’re dealing with real estate. It shows the layout of plots in a particular area, including roads, open spaces, and other amenities. This is especially useful if you’re buying a plot in a planned community or development.

  • Plot Details: The LP Map provides a clear view of the dimensions and boundaries of each plot.
  • Amenities Layout: It shows the location of roads, parks, and other amenities, helping you understand the overall layout of the area.
  • Zoning Information: The map also indicates zoning information, which is crucial for understanding what type of structures can be built on your plot.

FMB: Field Measurement Book

The FMB (Field Measurement Book) is another important map, particularly for agricultural land. It contains precise measurements and boundaries of land parcels, ensuring accuracy in land records.

  • Accurate Measurements: The FMB provides detailed measurements of your land, which is essential for any construction or agricultural planning.
  • Boundary Clarity: It helps in identifying the exact boundaries of your land, reducing disputes with neighbors.
  • Survey Details: The map includes details from land surveys, ensuring that your land records are up-to-date and accurate.

Village Map: The Big Picture

The Village Map gives you a bird’s-eye view of the entire village. It includes all land parcels, roads, water bodies, and other significant landmarks.

  • Village Layout: This map helps you understand the overall layout of your village, including the location of different land parcels.
  • Infrastructure Details: It shows the location of important infrastructure like roads, schools, and hospitals.
  • Natural Features: The map also includes natural features like rivers, lakes, and forests, which can be important for land planning and management.

ROFR Adangal: Right of First Refusal

Understanding ROFR Adangal

Last but not least, let’s talk about ROFR Adangal. ROFR stands for Right of First Refusal, which is a legal right that gives you the option to purchase land before the owner sells it to someone else. This document is crucial if you’re interested in buying land that’s up for sale.

  • Purchase Priority: ROFR Adangal gives you the first right to buy the land, ensuring you don’t miss out on important opportunities.
  • Legal Clarity: It provides legal clarity and documentation of your right, preventing potential disputes.
  • Negotiation Advantage: Having ROFR Adangal can give you an advantage in price negotiations, as it establishes your priority in purchasing the land.

Accessing Meebhoomi Land Details

Now that you’re familiar with the different documents and maps, let’s talk about how you can access these details through the Meebhoomi portal.

Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing Your Adangal

  1. Visit the Meebhoomi Website: Go to the official Meebhoomi website.
  2. Select Adangal: Click on the ‘Adangal’ option from the menu.
  3. Enter Details: Enter your land details like District, Zone, and Village.
  4. View Record: Click ‘Submit’ to view your Adangal record.

Accessing Village 1-B

  1. Go to Meebhoomi Portal: Open the Meebhoomi website.
  2. Select 1-B Option: Click on the ‘1-B’ option.
  3. Input Details: Enter your village details.
  4. View Information: Click ‘Submit’ to see your Village 1-B record.

Finding LP Map/FMB/Village Map

  1. Meebhoomi Website: Head to the Meebhoomi site.
  2. Choose Map Option: Select ‘LP Map’ or ‘FMB’ or ‘Village Map’.
  3. Enter Required Info: Provide the necessary information.
  4. Access Map: Click ‘Submit’ to view your map.

Obtaining ROFR Adangal

  1. Navigate to Meebhoomi: Visit the Meebhoomi portal.
  2. Select ROFR Adangal: Choose the ‘ROFR Adangal’ option.
  3. Fill in Details: Enter your land details.
  4. Retrieve Document: Click ‘Submit’ to get your ROFR Adangal.

Meebhoomi Land Details: FAQs on Adangal, Village 1-B, and More

If you’ve been navigating through land records, maps, and various documents, you might have some questions. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!.

In this blog post, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Adangal, Village 1-B, LP Maps, and ROFR Adangal. Let’s dive in and make these terms as simple as possible!

What is Adangal and Why Do I Need It?

What is Adangal?

Adangal, also known as Pahani, is a key land record that contains crucial information about your land. It includes details about the landowner, land usage, crops grown, and sources of irrigation. Essentially, it’s your land’s report card.

Why Do You Need Adangal?

You need Adangal for various reasons, such as verifying ownership, planning agricultural activities, and ensuring legal clarity in case of land disputes. It’s a vital document for anyone who owns or plans to own land.

What Information Does Village 1-B Contain?

What is Village 1-B?

Village 1-B, also known as Me 1-B or Village 1-B, is a comprehensive ledger that includes detailed information about all the land parcels in a village. It’s like a big directory of land ownership and transactions.

What Details Are Included in Village 1-B?

Village 1-B contains ownership records, transaction history, and tax information. It’s an essential document for understanding who owns what in a village and keeping track of any land sales, purchases, or transfers.

How Do I Access My LP Map / FMB / Village Map?

What is an LP Map?

An LP (Layout Plan) Map shows the layout of plots in a particular area, including roads, open spaces, and other amenities. It’s especially useful for those buying plots in a planned community.

What is an FMB?

FMB (Field Measurement Book) contains precise measurements and boundaries of land parcels, ensuring accuracy in land records. It’s particularly important for agricultural land.

What is a Village Map?

A Village Map provides a bird’s-eye view of the entire village, including all land parcels, roads, water bodies, and other significant landmarks.

How Do You Access These Maps?

To access these maps, visit the Meebhoomi portal, select the relevant map option (LP Map, FMB, or Village Map), enter the required details, and click ‘Submit’ to view your map.

What is ROFR Adangal?

What Does ROFR Stand For?

ROFR stands for Right of First Refusal. It’s a legal right that gives you the option to purchase land before the owner sells it to someone else.

Why Is ROFR Adangal Important?

ROFR Adangal is crucial because it gives you purchase priority, legal clarity, and an advantage in price negotiations. It’s essential if you’re interested in buying land that’s up for sale.


How Can I Access My Adangal Online?

To access your Adangal online, visit the Meebhoomi website, select the ‘Adangal’ option, enter your land details (like District, Zone, and Village), and click ‘Submit’ to view your record.

Can I View Village 1-B Online?

Yes, you can view Village 1-B online. Simply go to the Meebhoomi portal, click on the ‘1-B’ option, enter your village details, and click ‘Submit’ to see your Village 1-B record.

Are LP Maps and FMBs Available Digitally?

Yes, both LP Maps and FMBs are available digitally. You can access them on the Meebhoomi website by selecting the respective map option, entering the necessary information, and clicking ‘Submit.’

What Should I Do If My ROFR Adangal Details Are Incorrect?

If you find any incorrect details in your ROFR Adangal, you should contact the local revenue office to get them corrected. It’s important to ensure that all your land records are accurate.

Why Is It Important to Keep Track of Land Details?

Keeping track of land details is important for verifying ownership, planning agricultural activities, ensuring legal clarity, and preventing disputes. It also helps in better land management and planning.


Navigating the world of land records can be daunting, but with Meebhoomi, it’s easier than ever to access crucial information about your land. Whether you’re checking your Adangal, exploring Village 1-B, examining LP Maps, or understanding your ROFR Adangal, Meebhoomi has got you covered.

Remember, keeping track of your land details not only ensures legal clarity but also helps in better management and planning. So, the next time you need information about your land, just hop onto the Meebhoomi portal and get all the details you need right at your fingertips! Happy land exploring!

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